Vensan mora da umre

Vincent doit mourir

Divlji film 2023 I 115 min I France

Slučajni stranci su iznenada počeli da napadaju Vensana sa namerama da ga ubiju. On više nije neupadljiv čovek i kako stvari nasilno izmiču kontroli Vensan je primoran da pobegne i potpuno promeni svoj život.


Stéphan Castang

Born in 1973, Stéphan Castang is a filmmaker and actor. On stage, he has acted with Marion Guerrero (Les juré.e.s by Marion Aubert), Benoît Lambert (Tartuffe by Molière, Enfants du siècle, une dyptique by Alfred de Musset), Ivan Grinberg (Folie Courteline), Thomas Poulard (Romulus the Great by Friedrich Dürrenmatt). He has worked with the company L’Artifice as an actor (Nam-Bok le hâbleur, Aucassin et Nicolette) and playwright (Lettres d’amour de 0 à 10, Young Audience Molière Award 2005) and is also the author of texts for the theatre: Boule de gomme, le Défilé de César, Une divine tragédie (written with Sacha Wolff). A lecturer at the University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Paris VIII, he has written and directed several short films, and was 2021 was laureate of the Foundation Gan for Cinema. Vincent Must Die is his first feature film.

Producent: Kler Bonefo, Tieri Lounas

Produkcija: Capricci Films, Bobi Lux

Uloge: Karim Leklou, Vimala Pons, Fransoa Šato, Žan Remi Šaze, Ulis Genevrej, Karolina Rosa Sun

Festivali: Medjunarodni filmski festival u Kanu – Nominacija za Zlatnu kameru.

